Academic | Psychologist | Author | Techie | Maverick

From the early eighties, starting with a book review of Arthur Jensen's 'Bias in Mental Testing for Nature in 1981' Steve has contributed a few articles on controversial topics in psychology to Nature,(Nature Articles), such as Gender and IQ ('Gender Bender'), Vitamin Pills and IQ ('A dose of Vitamins and a Pinch of salt'), Mice and IQ ('Mice and Mentality'), as well as a number of book reviews on equally interesting issues.

In 2003, Steve was described as one of Nature's 'magnificent seven' (writers commended for their various textual virtues) along with David Wark, Philip N Benfey, S.Blair Hedges, John Harte, Toren Finzel and Len A.Fisk. (in Nature,426,2003)

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