Articles & Speeches Nature Articles

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All of the following articles are reproduced by kind permission of Nature

(To see a complete list of 'Nature' articles by Steve Blinkhorn Click Here)

Title: A gender bender
Synopsis: Dr Steve Blinkhorn's critique on Paul Irwing and Richard Lynn's paper on sex and IQ.
Source: Nature, Vol 438, 3rd November 2005
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Title: Exponent of exponential
Synopsis: Steve Blinkhorn's review of 'The man who shocked the world: the life and legacy of Stanley Milgram' by Thomas Blass.
Source: Nature, Vol 429, 13 May,2004
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Title: Neuroscience: Of Mice and Mentality
Synopsis: described by the editors at Nature as a 'Fizzy but properly cautious appraisal of the possible existence of a mouse version of IQ all done in under a page of text' (in Nature,426,2003).
Source: Nature, Vol 424, 28 August,2003
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Title: Yes, but what's it for?
Synopsis: The current state of language can make it difficult to discuss evolution in an accurate way.
Source: Nature, Vol 412, 23rd Aug 2001
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Title: Funny, I thought this was science
Synopsis: Dr Steve Blinkhorn's review of 'Laughter: A scientific investigation' by Robert R. Provine
Source: Nature, Vol 408, 2nd November 2000
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Title: The counting-house called to account
Synopsis: Dr Steve Blinkhorn's review of 'How to Build a Mind' by Igor Aleksander
Source: Nature, Vol 407, 5th October 2000
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Title: Is meta better?
Synopsis: Dr Steve Blinkhorn's review of 'How Science Takes Stock: The story of meta-analysis' by Morton Hunt
Source: Nature, Vol 392, 16th April 1998
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Title: Symmetry as destiny - taking a balanced view of IQ
Synopsis: Genetic vulnerability during development may be responsible for environmental effects on intelligence. Taken with a study showing that the heritability of IQ does not change with age, could these results mean that nature and nurture are no longer in opposition?
Source: Nature, Vol 387, 26th June 1997
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