Online and Computer-Delivered Assessment

PRD staff have experience of developing computer-delivered psychometric tests dating back over 30 years, and PRD itself first started delivering such methods commercially in 1985. Our proprietary delivery software has been under continuous development since 1994 and has been providing trouble-free, glitch-free, crash-free service ever since (see Test Delivery).

Our current online offerings include:

We can, of course, simply provide computer-administered versions of paper-and-pencil tests, whether on dedicated hardware, company intranets or the global Internet. But we can go much further than this, and take advantage of many opportunities not available with paper-based testing.

For instance, we can enforce time limits, or allow as much time as a candidate chooses to take. We record - and time - every keystroke and mouse click. We track changes of mind and how much use is made of help screens. These are rich sources of information, and our analysis and reporting software can be configured to incorporate them into particularly revealing reports.

For complex real-time simulation tests, you can read about our voice-activated call-centre simulators (Simucall) for First Direct and Reed Employment among others. Our video-based Evaluation of Evidence test for the Northern Ireland Court Service played a crucial role in the selection of candidates for the new and sensitive role of Lay Magistrates, established under the Good Friday Agreement. For several years we have been using the Diablo test delivery system for a variety of purposes within BT, mainly the assessment of senior staff.