About PRD Consumer Research: Synsemetric analysis

Originally commissioned by Glaxo to guide the choice of colour, shape and size of pills to enhance patient compliance with pharmaceutical prescribing regimes, our proprietary consumer preference research tool has been developed to cater for a wide potential range of products, and so far has been used in addition for foods and personal health care products. Uniquely, it is capable of eliciting sensible preference results from children, pets and drunks.

Participants do not have to use rating scales, or answer multiple-choice questions, or say why they prefer this or that item. Unique and highly sophisticated data analysis techniques are used to translate multiple-comparison preference-order data into an underlying semantic space.

Synsemetric techniques can also be used to discover salient feature elements in complex products such as carscl, and put a relative value on features to facilitate cost-benefit analysis.

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